233 research outputs found

    Improved and Quality-assessed Emission and Absorption Line measurements in Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies

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    We present a new database of absorption and emission-line measurements based on the entire spectral atlas from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 7th data release of galaxies within a redshift of 0.2. Our work makes use of the publicly available penalized pixel-fitting(pPXF) and gas and absorption line fitting (gandalf) IDL codes, aiming to improve the existing measurements for stellar kinematics, the strength of various absorption-line features, and the flux and width of the emissions from different species of ionised gas. Our fit to the stellar continuum uses both standard stellar population models and empirical templates obtained by combining a large number of stellar spectra in order to fit a subsample of high-quality SDSS spectra for quiescent galaxies. Furthermore, our fit to the nebular spectrum includes an exhaustive list of both recombination and forbidden lines. Foreground Galactic extinction is implicitly treated in our models, whereas reddening in the SDSS galaxies is included in the form of a simple dust screen component affecting the entire spectrum that is accompanied by a second reddening component affecting only the ionised gas emission. In order to check for systematic departures, we provide a quality assessment for our fit to the SDSS spectra in our sample. This quality assessment also allows the identification of objects with either problematic data or peculiar features. For example, based on the quality assessment, approximately 1% of the SDSS spectra classified as "galaxies" by the SDSS pipeline do in fact require additional broad lines to be matched, even though they do not show a strong continuum from an active nucleus, as do the SDSS objects classified as "quasars". Finally, we provide new spectral templates for galaxies of different Hubble types, obtained by combining the results of our spectral fit for a subsample of 452 morphologically selected objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS. 23 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables. A version with high-resolution figures is available at http://gem.yonsei.ac.kr/~ksoh/ossy/arXiv/Oh_11_OSSY.pd

    The Central PNe Populations of External Galaxies with SAURON

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    Thanks to SAURON integral-field observations we uncovered the Planetary Nebulae (PNe) populations inhabiting the central and nuclear regions of our galactic neighbours M32 and M31, respectively, and discuss the significant differences between their corresponding PNe luminosity functions in light of the properties of their parent stellar populations. In particular, we conclude that the lack of bright PNe in the nuclear regions of M31 is likely linked to the nearly Solar value for the stellar metallicity, consistent with previous suggestions that a larger metallicity would bias the Horizontal-Branch (HB) populations toward bluer colors, with fewer red HB stars capable of producing PNe and more blue HB stars that instead could contribute to the far-UV flux that is observed in metal-rich early-type galaxies and, incidentally, also in the nucleus of M31.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; to appear in Proc. IAU Symposium 283, "Planetary Nebulae, an Eye to the Future

    The M87 Black Hole Mass From Gas-Dynamical Models Of Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Observations

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    The supermassive black hole of M87 is one of the most massive black holes known and has been the subject of several stellar and gas-dynamical mass measurements; however, the most recent revision to the stellar-dynamical black hole mass measurement is a factor of about two larger than the previous gas-dynamical determinations. Here, we apply comprehensive gas-dynamical models that include the propagation of emission-line profiles through the telescope and spectrograph optics to new Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations from the Hubble Space Telescope. Unlike the previous gas-dynamical studies of M87, we map out the complete kinematic structure of the emission-line disk within similar to 40 pc from the nucleus, and find that a small amount of velocity dispersion internal to the gas disk is required to match the observed line widths. We examine a scenario in which the intrinsic velocity dispersion provides dynamical support to the disk, and determine that the inferred black hole mass increases by only 6%. Incorporating this effect into the error budget, we ultimately measure a mass of M-BH = (3.5(-0.7)(+0.9)) x 10(9)M circle dot (68% confidence). Our gas-dynamical black hole mass continues to differ from the most recent stellar-dynamical mass by a factor of two, underscoring the need for carrying out more cross-checks between the two main black hole mass measurement methods.NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship 1102845Space Telescope Science Institute 12162NASA NAS 5-26555NSF AST-1108835Astronom

    A black-hole mass measurement from molecular gas kinematics in NGC4526

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    The masses of the supermassive black-holes found in galaxy bulges are correlated with a multitude of galaxy properties, leading to suggestions that galaxies and black-holes may evolve together. The number of reliably measured black-hole masses is small, and the number of methods for measuring them is limited, holding back attempts to understand this co-evolution. Directly measuring black-hole masses is currently possible with stellar kinematics (in early-type galaxies), ionised-gas kinematics (in some spiral and early-type galaxies) and in rare objects which have central maser emission. Here we report that by modelling the effect of a black-hole on the kinematics of molecular gas it is possible to fit interferometric observations of CO emission and thereby accurately estimate black hole masses. We study the dynamics of the gas in the early-type galaxy NGC4526, and obtain a best fit which requires the presence of a central dark-object of 4.5(+4.2-3.0)x10^8 Msun (3 sigma confidence limit). With next generation mm-interferometers (e.g. ALMA) these observations could be reproduced in galaxies out to 75 megaparsecs in less the 5 hours of observing time. The use of molecular gas as a kinematic tracer should thus allow one to estimate black-hole masses in hundreds of galaxies in the local universe, many more than accessible with current techniques.Comment: To appear in Nature online on 30/01/2013. 3 Pages, 2 Figures (plus two pages of supplementary information

    MUSE observations of M87: radial gradients for the stellar initial-mass function and the abundance of Sodium

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    Based on MUSE integral-field data we present evidence for a radial variation at the low-mass end of the stellar initial-mass function (IMF) in the central regions of the giant early-type galaxy NGC4486 (M87). We used state-of-the-art stellar population models and the observed strength of various IMF-sensitive absorption-line features to solve for the best low-mass tapered "bimodal" form of the IMF, while accounting also for radial variations in stellar metallicity, the overall α\alpha-elements abundance, and the abundance of individual elements such as Ti, O, Na and Ca. Our analysis reveals a strong IMF gradient in M87, corresponding to an exceeding fraction of low-mass stars compared to the case of the Milky Way toward the center of M87 that drops to nearly Milky-way levels by 0.4 ReR_e. This IMF gradient is found to correlate well with both the radial profile for stellar metallicity and for α\alpha-elements abundance but not with stellar velocity dispersion. Such IMF variations correspond to over a factor two increase in stellar mass-to-light M/L ratio compared to the case of a Milky-way like IMF, consistent with other investigations into IMF gradients in early-type galaxies, including recent dynamical constraints on M/L radial variations in M87 by Oldham & Auger. In addition to constraining the IMF in M87 we also looked into the abundance of Sodium, which turned up to be super-Solar over the entire radial range of our MUSE observations and to exhibit a considerable negative gradient. These findings suggest an additional role of metallicity in boosting the Na-yields in the central, metal-rich regions of M87 during its early and brief star-formation history. Our work adds the case of M87 to the few objects that as of today have radial constraints on their IMF or [Na/Fe] abundance, while also illustrating the accuracy that MUSE could bring to this kind of investigations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, re-submitted for publication on MNRAS following the referee's comment

    Diffuse Gas in Retired Galaxies: Nebular Emission Templates and Constraints on the Sources of Ionization

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    We present emission line templates for passively evolving ("retired") galaxies, useful for investigation of the evolution of the ISM in these galaxies, and characterization of their high-temperature source populations. The templates are based on high signal-to-noise (>800>800) co-added spectra (370068003700-6800\AA) of 11500\sim11500 gas-rich Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies devoid of star-formation and active galactic nuclei. Stacked spectra are provided for the entire sample and sub-samples binned by mean stellar age. In Johansson~et al (2014), these spectra provided the first measurements of the He II 4686\AA\ line in passively-evolving galaxies, and the observed He II/Hβ\beta ratio constrained the contribution of accreting white dwarfs (the "single-degenerate" scenario) to the type Ia supernova rate. In this paper, the full range of unambiguously detected emission lines are presented. Comparison of the observed [O I] 6300\AA/Hα\alpha ratio with photoionization models further constrains any high-temperature single-degenerate scenario for type Ia supernovae (with 1.5 \lesssim T/105K10^{5}K \lesssim 10) to \lesssim3-6\% of the observed rate in the youngest age bin (i.e. highest SN Ia rate). Hence, for the same temperatures, in the presence of an ambient population of post-AGB stars, we exclude additional high-temperature sources with a combined ionizing luminosity of 1.35×1030L/M,\approx 1.35\times 10^{30} L_{\odot}/M_{\odot,*} for stellar populations with mean ages of 1 - 4 Gyrs. Furthermore, we investigate the extinction affecting both the stellar and nebular continuum. The latter shows about five times higher values. This contradicts isotropically distributed dust and gas that renders similar extinction values for both cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 12 figure

    A Stellar Dynamical Mass Measurement of the Black Hole in NGC 3998 from Keck Adaptive Optics Observations

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    We present a new stellar dynamical mass measurement of the black hole in the nearby, S0 galaxy NGC 3998. By combining laser guide star adaptive optics observations obtained with the OH-Suppressing Infrared Imaging Spectrograph on the Keck II telescope with long-slit spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Keck I telescope, we map out the stellar kinematics on both small spatial scales, well within the black hole sphere of influence, and on large scales. We find that the galaxy is rapidly rotating and exhibits a sharp central peak in the velocity dispersion. Using the kinematics and the stellar luminosity density derived from imaging observations, we construct three-integral, orbit-based, triaxial stellar dynamical models. We find the black hole has a mass of M_BH = (8.1_{-1.9}^{+2.0}) x 10^8 M_sun, with an I-band stellar mass-to-light ratio of M/L = 5.0_{-0.4}^{+0.3} M_sun/L_sun (3-sigma uncertainties), and that the intrinsic shape of the galaxy is very round, but oblate. With the work presented here, NGC 3998 is now one of a very small number of galaxies for which both stellar and gas dynamical modeling have been used to measure the mass of the black hole. The stellar dynamical mass is nearly a factor of four larger than the previous gas dynamical black hole mass measurement. Given that this cross-check has so far only been attempted on a few galaxies with mixed results, carrying out similar studies in other objects is essential for quantifying the magnitude and distribution of the cosmic scatter in the black hole mass - host galaxy relations.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A catalogue of nuclear stellar velocity dispersions of nearby galaxies from \u2009H\u3b1 STIS spectra to constrain supermassive black hole masses

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    We present new measurements for the nuclear stellar velocity dispersion \u3c3* within sub-arcsecond apertures for 28 nearby galaxies. Our data consist of Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) long-slit spectra obtained with the G750M grating centred on the H\u3b1 spectral range. We fit the spectra using a library of single stellar population models and Gaussian emission lines, while constraining in most cases the stellar-population content from an initial fit to G430L STIS spectra. We illustrate how these \u3c3* measurements can be useful for constraining the mass M\u2022 of supermassive black holes (SBHs) by concentrating on the cases of the lenticular galaxies NGC 4435 and NGC 4459. These are characterized by similar ground-based half-light radii stellar velocity dispersion \u3c3e values but remarkably different M\u2022 as obtained from modelling their central ionized-gas kinematics, where NGC 4435 appears to host a significantly undermassive SBH compared to what is expected from the M\u2022 - \u3c3e relation. For both galaxies, we build Jeans axisymmetric dynamical models to match the ground-based stellar kinematics obtained with Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae integral-field spectrograph, including an SBH with M\u2022 value as predicted by the M\u2022 - \u3c3e relation and using high-resolution HST images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys to construct the stellar-mass model. By mimicking the HST observing conditions we use such reference models to make a prediction for the nuclear \u3c3* value. Whereas this was found to agree with our nuclear \u3c3* measurement for NGC 4459, for NGC 4435 the observed \u3c3* is remarkably smaller than the predicted one, which further suggests that this galaxy could host an undermassive SBH

    Improved and quality-assess emission and absorption line measurements in Sloan digital sky survey galaxies

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    ‘In these times, during the rise in the popularity of institutional repositories, the Society does not forbid authors from depositing their work in such repositories. However, the AAS regards the deposit of scholarly work in such repositories to be a decision of the individual scholar, as long as the individual's actions respect the diligence of the journals and their reviewers.’ Original article can be found at : http://iopscience.iop.org/ Copyright American Astronomical SocietyWe present a new database of absorption and emission-line measurements based on the entire spectral atlas from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 7th data release of galaxies within a redshift of 0.2. Our work makes use of the publicly available penalized pixel-fitting (pPXF) and gas and absorption line fitting (gandalf) IDL codes, aiming to improve the existing measurements for stellar kinematics, the strength of various absorption-line features, and the flux and width of the emissions from different species of ionized gas. Our fit to the stellar continuum uses both standard stellar population models and empirical templates obtained by combining a large number of stellar spectra in order to fit a subsample of high-quality SDSS spectra for quiescent galaxies. Furthermore, our fit to the nebular spectrum includes an exhaustive list of both recombination and forbidden lines. Foreground Galactic extinction is implicitly treated in our models, whereas reddening in the SDSS galaxies is included in the form of a simple dust screen component affecting the entire spectrum that is accompanied by a second reddening component affecting only the ionized gas emission. In order to check for systematic departures from the rather standard set of assumptions that enters our models, we provide a quality assessment for our fit to the SDSS spectra in our sample, for both the stellar continuum and the nebular emissions and across different wavelength regions. This quality assessment also allows the identification of objects with either problematic data or peculiar features. We hope to foster the discovery potential of our database; therefore, our spectral fit is available to the community. For example, based on the quality assessment around the H alpha and [NII] lambda 6584 lines, approximately 1% of the SDSS spectra classified as "galaxies" by the SDSS pipeline do in fact require additional broad lines to be matched, even though they do not show a strong continuum from an active nucleus, as do the SDSS objects classified as "quasars." Finally, we provide new spectral templates for galaxies of different Hubble types, obtained by combining the results of our spectral fit for a subsample of 452 morphologically selected objects.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio